Saturday, December 01, 2007

Weekend in Photos

The weekend I still have long to go, but I doubt I will take more photos as I will be quite busy tomorrow. On Friday I was in NYC and then today I was in the Catskills (about 100 miles NW of NYC) where I visited my dad and worked on my cottage. I have been trailed by a TV producer and film crew for an upcoming feature digging up my life in a difficult but also helpful way. Got lots of work done on the cottage while I also cleaned up some emotional clutter from the past. Amazing the amount of work I got done once the film crew showed up :-P

The photos below are some artsy NYC shots, Christmas decorations by my dad on his house (it has a Candyland sort of theme to it IMHO), photos of my dad's cat (which was very lovey dovey) and a photo of my cottage. No time for more text. Must get to bed.

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At 2:16 AM , Blogger Rob said...

Cute kitty. I love cats, just unforunately I'm allergic to them.


At 4:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwww cute cuddly cat.... luckily I am not allergic to them! Nice pics Peterson

(ps - take a sneaky peek at my blog for pics of a cultural day out with Oj!)

At 11:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At first I thought you were saying that that sabretooth kangaroo was the cat!

PS I'm proud you figured out my moniker last time.


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